2018 Warrior: Pete Stachowicz

Pete is a 24 yr. old who was diagnosed with a rare, inoperable brain tumor on the left side of his brain—Anaplastic Astrocytoma (Gliomatosis cerebri) It affects his speech, communication, and movement on his right side (he’s right-handed). We found out about his tumor when he had a seizure and collapsed at work on Jan 4th, 2018. We’re thankful he collapsed at work and not while he was driving or walking in the subzero weather. After keeping him for two days in the ICU, running a battery of tests, they cleared him to go home with the diagnosis of a brain tumor. We then made the decision to take him to Mayo Clinic for all treatment. We believe that the entire oncology and surgical team have already saved his life once with aggressive and out-of the-norm treatment. We were told he was declining so quickly, doctors didn’t think he’d make it halfway through radiation. He had six weeks of radiation/chemo. He is currently on round three of chemo at home. He can no longer walk or talk. He hasn’t been able to since Jan 4th. Peter is very frustrated that he can’t work. He worked SO hard getting his degree at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and studying abroad at University of Leeds, UK. He landed a great job he loves as a Business Technology Analyst at Securian Financial in St. Paul. Pete is an easy-going, fun-loving guy. Everyone loves Pete. He was very athletic. He was a lifeguard, captain of his high school hockey team, and ran cross country. In college, he joined a fraternity where he ran the finances and worked at the bookstore. Pete’s life now consists of watching tv, sitting outside and sleeping. He does get out to work on speech, PT and OT. He needs 24/7 care. Pete IS a WARRIOR!! He has NEVER, EVER complained. Not one time. Not in the ICU at St Josephs when he got the news, not in the ICU at St Mary’s having the brain biopsy or during radiation or chemo. Nor when he contracted a neuro virus, second surgery for an infection in the surgery site or the rare antibiotic reaction. He has picked us up when we’ve been down when it should have been the other way around! He’s the strongest, bravest person I’ve ever known. He truly personifies a WARRIOR!