2020 Warrior: Andrea Harbarth

Imagine planning and building your dream daycare facility when in an instant your dreams are crushed by a diagnosis like cancer. This was reality for Andrea as she went in for her physical prior to opening her daycare and was told she had colorectal cancer. She hasn’t let that stop her, she sees it as a bump in the road and can’t wait to have her dreams fulfilled after she completes her treatments. As if a cancer diagnosis isn’t enough, Andrea’s husband recently was told his job was being eliminated. The stress of being the sole provider and insurance carrier hasn’t stopped this family from being grateful through this journey. Andrea is known to be one to “give her shirt off her back” to someone – not it is her turn to receive the support! Watch her story to learn more

 During the month of February a portion of the proceeds from shopping all INDY Gear and Apparel will go directly to Andrea and her family. Shop now and be sure to mention her name in the comments section at checkout. 
You may also donate and 100% will go to Andrea and her family.