2021 Little Warrior: Brayden Gildea

“On Thursday May 7, 2020, just a week before his 14th birthday, Ours lives changed forever.. Here is Brayden’s story…
At the beginning of March, Brayden started complaining of left knee pain from what he thought was an injury he sustained during phy-ed. This pain worried him as baseball season was right around the corner, and he wasn’t quite sure how he was going to be able to play ball. It hurt to walk, and was impossible to kneel down. It seemed that no matter what he tried, the pain would not go away. With time, the pain subsided; however, the pain then went into his right knee. After a couple of weeks of wearing a knee brace and babying the knee, we decided to take him to the Doctor. She suggested taking Advil and icing it daily, and if the pain didn’t get better within 10 days to call and come back in and they would run additional testing. The pain would come and go; however, as days went on Brayden continued to experience knee pain, leg pain and multiple nose bleeds. He was always tired, and he didn’t have much of an appetite. Two days later, he started complaining about a pain in his ear, and he was running a temperature so I told him that it was time to go to the doctor. After fighting with him for a while, he knew that I wasn’t going to change my mind. I called the clinic to schedule and appointment, but with Covid-19, we were told just to bring him into Urgent Care. Like Moms do, I insisted that he shower before going to the doctor, and he whined and complained but eventually he got up and was going to take a shower. All of a sudden, I heard a loud thump, and shortly after that a lot of moaning and groaning. Brayden had passed out, he woke up on the bathroom floor not knowing what had happened – although one thing he did know was that he was in a lot of pain because he injured his back when he fainted. No time for a shower, I knew there was something wrong and that we needed to get to the clinic immediately. It took nearly 45 minutes to get him up and out the door, he was in a terrible amount of pain. I managed to get him to Urgent Care, however with Covid, we had to be screened (both he & I) before getting into see the doctor.
Doctor came into the room, looked in his ears and determined he had an ear infection, and started writing out a prescription and was about to send us on our way. Instead I insisted further testing to be done so we could figure whats been going on, as Brayden doesn’t usually complain. Multiple labs and xrays were ordered and done. After getting the labs back the doctor came into the room and said that Brayden was going to be brought to Children’s by ambulance because his white blood cell count was extremely low. Brayden was worried as he had never been in an ambulance. I began to panic, I needed to try and get a hold of his dad to let him know what was going on. Plus try and figure things out for our other 2 kids at home without them worrying about their brother. We arrived at Children’s via ambulance (I was allowed to ride in the front seat of the ambulance) around 10:00 pm where he was seen in the Emergency Department, and after several hours in the ER, he was admitted into the hospital. It was a like a revolving door – nurses, doctors, social workers, lab techs, etc. After hours and hours of waiting and worrying, we received the confirmed diagnosis – leukemia. You never expect to hear that your 13-year-old son has cancer running through his blood. How is that even possible? Why ? Why us ? This isn’t fair. And just two short hours after receiving the news, Brayden was headed into surgery for a bone marrow biopsy/aspiration, lumbar puncture and a port placement. Brayden spent 18 days at Children’s hospital, including his 14th Birthday. Not your ideal birthday celebration in the hospital away from all of your family & friends while you try to grasp this new “cancer diagnosis” but after 18 days he was finally able to come home. The joy on his face to finally be reunited with his siblings as well as his dog was priceless. Brayden has went through so much pain & agony from chemotherapy, to spinal taps, physical therapy, occupational therapy, daily medications, multiple trips back and forth the Children’s not to mention he missed out on his entire freshman year of high school due to his weakened immune system and the covid pandemic. Although his journey is no where near over, his strength and determination help him get through this and have helped him overcome these tough treatments. Brayden is a social butterfly, and enjoys being around others however he doesn’t like to be the spotlight or the center of attention but I am amazed at his strength, his positivity, and his determination that I feel he deserves to be recognized for everything he has been through and continues to go through. No one ever said this battle was going to be easy, nor has it been but the love and support of family, friends, and a small town community has been it possible to keep going, keep fighting this fight one day at a time. Brayden loves the MN Twins and the Seattle Seahawks. He loves the outdoors, enjoys hunting, fishing, riding ATV, riding bike, jumping on the trampoline, playing baseball, shooting trap, and loves to shoot his bow/arrow. He also enjoys playing video games, board games, spending time with his family & friends. By looking at Brayden you would never guess that he is going through something so tough, so difficult, he is so strong, and so courageous, and always has a smile on his face, and is the most kind, caring, and generous kid. Brayden has a heart of gold and would do anything to help out any one in time of need. Normal day to day life can be stressful living with cancer & also dealing with covid – every day, is a series of never-ending repetitions and obligations, back & forth to & from Children’s hospital. This has impacted our entire family, it has been very stressful & trying at times, but we manage the best we can, keeping positive attitudes, and taking it one day at a time.”
-Written by Brayden’s mom Kari


During the month of June a portion of the proceeds from shopping INDY Gear and Apparel will go directly to Brayden and his family. Shop now and be sure to mention Brayden’s name in the comments section at checkout.