2022 Warrior: Mark Sansom

Mark was diagnosed with astrocytoma in 2021. Mark hurt his neck at work and began suffering from vertigo over the summer. He saw some improvement and finally was able to return to work; however, after returning, he had another awful vertigo spell and was referred for an MRI at United Hospital in St. Paul. What was thought to be a neck injury, quickly turned into something much more. Immediately after the MRI, he was sent to the Neuro ICU where the doctors found a mass in the cerebellum of his brain that was restricting his cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from draining into his spinal column. This caused build up of fluid in his brain and needed to be drained. He had an external drain placed in his head on Thursday, September 30th, 2021. They determined that he would need to have another procedure done to find out what the mass was and try to remove it. They did a tissue biopsy that was sent to Germany for further testing. It wasn’t until late December that Mark learned that the mass was astrocytoma. He consulted his care team and started chemo. From there he found out it was astrocytoma and consulted with his care team to start chemo and surgery. At this time, Mark has found out that his tumor is continuing to grow, despite his chemo treatment. We want to surround Mark with all of our INDY support. Mark, we believe you are not done yet!!

Link below allows you to donate to Mark. 100% of proceeds will go to him.