2019 Little Warrior: Paetton Canfield

Tuesday, August 26th 2014 Paetton had her 9 month check up where the doctor felt something wrong in her stomach and requested an ultrasounds. After the ultrasound the doctor informed them of the enlarged kidney and the uncertainty of why. The small family was sent to the children’s hospital in the Minneapolis. Here there were more tests, and the decision to have Little Paetton had to undergo surgery. September 3rd, 2014, the result of the biopsy resulted in Wilm’s Tumors. The first round of chemo started on September 12th, 2014. Due to her undergoing 22 weeks of chemo the family opted out of a 1st birthday party with family and friends, in worries that Little Paetton would get ill. On May 11, 2015, Paetton was re-evaluated to make sure she was on a great path. Her scan showed the tumors responded well, but that since they were still there she may have to forego more chemo therapy. On August 17th 2015 the latest MRI became an unhappy surprise when the family was told Little Paetton would have to undergo surgery in the next few weeks and more than likely start chemo once again. Paetton’s last round of chemo was March 3rd 2016. After being in remission for nearly 9 months it was decided that it was time Paetton get her Power Port removed. The surgery took place late January 2017. At the beginning of April 2018 Paetton had a set of follow up scans as is typical in post cancer treatments. After looking at the scans for a couple weeks it was determined that Paetton’s cancer had returned. April 26th Paetton underwent another surgery to remove the tumor that had grown. A week later Paetton had a power port placed back in. Around this time it was discovered she had a urinoma, or a build up of urine in a body cavity. A small hole didn’t heal properly leaking urine. She had 2 stints placed in her side to relieve the fluid build up. Paetton underwent 7 days of radiation and 26 weeks of chemotherapy under the DD4E chemo plan. After many hospitalizations and infections Paetton’s last day of chemo was November 20th. The celebration was short lived however. A week later after Paetton’s post chemo scans it was discovered that she has either grow a new tumor or the chemo did not clear the cancer out. December 18th Paetton went in to get her left kidney taken out. On December 31st Paetton started 7 more days of chemo and 30 weeks of chemo under the UH-1 chemo plan.