2023 Warrior: Shannon Anderson

Shannon was diagnosed on Christmas in 2015. At the time of diagnosis, she was diagnosed with a Grade 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma brain tumor. She underwent brain surgery to remove what they could of her tumor, but due to the location of her tumor, they were unable to resect all of it. After surgery she completed radiation and chemo. Every 2 months she returns to Mayo for follow up scans. In the last 6 years she has been on 

and off chemo, due to regrowth of her tumor.

In the Spring of 2022, her tumor grew with a vengeance. After a couple of different chemo changes, both had failed to stop the growth. So, in August she underwent her 2nd brain surgery. At the time of her surgery, her tumor was biopsied again. Unfortunately, it has now morphed into a grade 4 Astrocytoma, the most aggressive. At her next follow up she was told there were not anymore chemo options. Shannon is married to her best friend, Jim and they have an 11 year old son. For most of his life he has seen his mom battle this horrific brain cancer. Jim has been home since November on an unpaid leave of absence to help care for Shannon. Shannon has had an increase in symptoms related to her tumor and day to day living is becoming more of a struggle.
Link below allows you to donate to Shannon. 100% of proceeds will go to her.