2018 Warrior: Cheryl Miller

Cheryl was many things to many people. She was a wife to my brother – creating together a home where they have found happiness, love and contentment with their son, Aiden, who is a second grader. She also had an adult son, a daughter who was recently married, and one grandson. Cheryl was a strong woman who spent her life working hard, helping others and giving back to her community. She was a leader for many years in Sauk Centre’s Community Connection, facilitating service projects and fundraisers benefiting the community. On a personal level, she also was a giving person, not asking for accolades for what she gave, just doing it because it was the right thing to do. When my dad died unexpectedly several years ago, Jim, Cheryl and Aiden made sure they were there for the big and little things on pretty much a daily basis to help my mom through that huge loss. This past fall, actually just before Cheryl was diagnosed with cancer, she made sure every detail was attended to as her brother and family navigated his serious illness and passing. Cheryl coordinated the medical and hospice care, facilitated the family coming together to say their goodbyes, and that his final wishes were realized. Just a few short weeks later, she herself received the news of a pretty devastating cancer diagnosis. She faced it with a desire to not just go through it, but to learn from it, and share what she learned with others in the hope it will benefit someone after she is gone. Cheryl was a woman with a quiet strength, whose love runs deep.

-Lindsay Hermans-Miller

Help us in supporting Cheryl and her  family on their journey by purchasing gear at 
Shop www.im-not-done-yet.com. Be sure to put Cheryl’s name in the comment section at checkout.