2019 Warrior: Paige Reardon

My name is Paige Reardon, this is my story: I had been having unexplained headaches, dizziness, falling down & vomiting for several months in 2017 during college. After several visits to the doctor and misdiagnosis with vertigo I was scheduled to have an MRI in a couple weeks. On Mother’s Day, May 13, 2018 I woke up with a severe headache and uncontrolled vomiting. I went to a baseball game in the morning and went to my mom’s house in the afternoon. I felt horrible all day, around 5 p.m. I started seeing double. After telling my mom that I was seeing two of her, she told me I had to go to the St. Cloud Emergency Room. My fiance, Tyler took me. There they took an MRI and CT Scan and found a brain tumor. Paige is always smiling and enjoys playing coed softball, playing volleyball, playing with her dogs (Ruby, Toby and Peaches) and going for walks. She had to post pone her wedding last year due to diagnosis but is looking forward to a wedding in fall of 2019!