Meet The Treasurer – Lindsay Hermans-Miller

Lindsay grew up in a small town in South Dakota, went to college in Morris at the U of M, and ended up in St Cloud for an internship during college and then just stayed. Lindsay feels this is a good size town for her, not too big, not too small and it’s where she can make a Target run any time she needs to.  She and her husband, Ryan, have been married for almost 15 years, and have a 12-year-old daughter, Maya, and 7-year-old twins, Harper and Grayson.  They love to get involved in lots of different activities so you’ll find her on the go a lot.  Lindsay says “I work hard, and I play hard.  I love a good happy hour with good friends and lots of laughs!  I’m learning to like exercise since I joined the Y this year.  I’m focusing on the sense of accomplishment more than the sense of PAIN J.”
Lindsay and her husband were good friends with Kayla and Kyle. Kyle was a special role model to her son, Grayson, who adored Kyle.  Over the years, Kayla and Kyle babysat their kids and her daughter was in their wedding. They visited Kyle a lot in those last few months, and it was hard because she felt helpless.  “What could I do to make his days better?  So, when Kayla approached me to be part of the INDY board and a part of this group that would help people in similar situations to Kyle, I didn’t hesitate to say YES!  I’ve been blessed to meet some truly amazing people on this board as well as some inspiring warriors.  I look forward to seeing how far this will go because we’ve come so far in a short time.”
Lindsay is an amazing part of our foundation and we couldn’t do it without her. Here’s a little more information about Lindsay-
1.What is your professional background?
I have been working in the Accounting field for 18 years, since I graduated from the University of MN Morris with a degree in Management.  I have worked in all different parts of Accounting from collecting payments to running financial statements to working with managers on budgeting to annual audits. I have also had the opportunity to work with IT in my current role, so I’ve been able to gain some additional perspective on how programming works and how to use it to innovate and create efficiencies and get the results you want.  I love to work on new challenges and problem solve.  My favorite thing is working on new projects and figuring out how to make it work.
2. Greatest accomplishment:
Being successful in my career while still being able to have a family that I’m proud of and maintain relationships with friends.
3. Greatest Adventure:
Hopefully, my greatest adventure is yet to come!   Next year, we plan to take the kids to Glacier National Park in Montana and ride the train all the way there.  It will be a lot of miles, but there will be a lot of exciting things to do when we get there.
4. Life motto:
Don’t depend on others to give you what you want.  Go out there and take it.
5. What is your superpower?
To get things done.  I’m a list maker, so I keep track of what I need to do and find satisfaction in marking things off my list.  I usually get myself involved in doing too many things at once, but I pride myself on being able to make decisions and get things accomplished!
6.What is your At-Bat song 
Sorry, Not Sorry by Demi Lovato; I like to think I’m tough and can handle anything life throws at me.  I’ve learned that you’ll never make every happy, so you might as well make yourself happy J
7. Where is the best place you have traveled?
Jamaica. My husband and I traveled to Jamaica almost 15 years ago for our wedding, and it was the perfect place for it. Very beautiful and relaxed.  We had the good fortune of having most of our immediate family with us, and we still talk about the memories we made!  
8. One item on your bucket list:
Travel internationally.   Currently, I have my heart set on going to Greece   It just looks like a beautiful place, and I would love to experience something totally different than what I’ve ever experienced before.  Different language, food, culture, people, customs… it’s all exciting to me!
9. What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I love to crank up the gangster rap and sing along when I’m alone in my minivan.
10. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
Take a vacation together to a new place where we can go on new adventures and create new memories!
11. What is your favorite thing to do for yourself?
Spend time with friends.  I’m a social person and like to try new things with new friends or just kick back and have a good conversation with an old friend, usually while enjoying a cold beverage!
12. If you had an unlimited checkbook for one day, what would you buy?
I would get all my family and friends together in one place for a big party!  All those people that I haven’t seen forever because life is busy or you live too far apart…. Fly them all in and remember the good times you’ve had together!
13. Tell us about someone you admire?
The obvious would be Kayla.  For all of the obstacles that she’s had put in front of her, she does not even consider giving up.  She is focused on what she wants and won’t accept anything less.  Her desire to fulfill Kyle’s desire to be remembered is inspiring in itself.  Although, like she will tell you, there’s no way anyone that has met Kyle would ever forget him.  Kayla has worked her butt off night and day (literally, I will get emails from her at 2am) to push this foundation to be a success, and with every decision she makes, her priority is always the same – to help those who are battling and feel like no one sees their struggle, to give back for what was given to her and Kyle. Her sense of purpose in her mission, her absolute certainty that this dream will become fully realized, her love for others, and her hustle is something that anyone can admire and is what makes it an honor for me to serve on this board and serve alongside some truly wonderful and inspiring women.