Meet Secretary – Traci Balder

Meet board member, Traci Balder. For those of you who don’t know her, she was a no-brainer to add to the team with her over ten years-experience in the non-profit sector which has allowed her to work directly with the community, and different area businesses. She also is the mother of our founder, Kayla Strand, so the passion the two of them share is clear. Carrying on Kyle’s legacy was something they both are very passionate about making a success. Traci has been happily married for 24 years to her husband Maury Balder.  They have four wonderful children, Kayla, Kolten, Erik, Luke.   We have been blessed with a wonderful son-in-law Kyle, daughter-in-law Jhonna and hopefully a future daughter-in-law Baleigh.   

As a family we have had many challenges, changes and a journey we didn’t expect. However, we stay strong in faith and love as a family. 
Traci has been vital in helping to develop a clear vision and mission statement from the beginning. Her expertise in the non-profit world has connected us with many ideas, people and innovative ways to make INDY a success. She also continues to keep us organized and consistent. A lot goes on behind the scenes to keep things going every day.
We asked Traci what made her want to be a part of INDY: “When my daughter and son-in-law started talking about this idea I couldn’t help but get excited, believe, encourage and motivate this dream.   INDY is connecting people, building bridges, opening doors and ultimately creating a community of Warriors.  I couldn’t be prouder and more honored to be a part of something bigger than I can wrap my arms around.”

  1. What is your professional background?
    I have over ten years-experience in the non-profit sector which has allowed her to work directly with the community, and different area businesses.My work experiences have given me the public speaking skills to effectively communicate with passion to inspire others.  I have traveled the state of Minnesota creating awareness with schools, colleges, clinics and many other groups.  On a personal level, I have successfully designed, advertised and created fundraising events for many volunteer organizations, businesses, and non-profit entities, while attaining financial goals in a short time frame.  Currently, I have been in the Real Estate Business for 14 years.  I have traveled and communicated extensively with property owners across the state of MN valuing residential, agricultural and commercial properties. As a business owner, I have consulted with numerous small businesses helping them to grow, succeed and become self-sufficient. 
  2. How did you connect with the INDY nation?
    My background in the non-profit industry has always been the forefront of my personal mission in helping others.  When my daughter and son-in-law started talking about this idea I couldn’t help but get excited, believe, encourage and motivate this dream.   INDY is connecting people, building bridges, opening doors and ultimately creating a community of Warriors.  I couldn’t be prouder and more honored to be a part of something bigger than I can wrap my arms around. 
  3. Greatest accomplishment:
    I can’t finger point one accomplishment.  My life has been my greatest accomplishment.  The journey of life that includes, marriage, raising wonderful children, building businesses, evolving and finding joy in every single day is my why!
  4. Greatest Adventure:
    My greatest Adventure has been many to say the least.  Raising my family, building our current dream home in lake country, & a Las Vegas trip with my Best Friend and Daughter.
  5. One word that describes your purpose for how you live life? “Love”
  6. Life motto:Just BEEE….. Believe Encourage, Empower Each-other EVERYDAY!   
  7. What is your superpower?My Faith
  8. What is your At-Bat song? Summer of ’69
  9. Where is the best place you have traveled?
     I can’t really say I have a favorite place as I have only traveled through-out the United States to date.  Planning a trip to Europe will no doubt be the best of the best.
  10. One item on your bucket list: To go Fly Fishing
  11. What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
    If I told you then they wouldn’t be a secret. 
  12. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
    Creating memories, spending time at the lake and our “Griswold Vacations”. 
  13. What is your favorite thing to do for yourself?
    Shopping and Spa Days
  14. If you had an unlimited checkbook for one day, what would you buy?  
    I would pay off my children’s debt, give to local charities and plan a vacation to Hawaii & Europe.   
  15. Tell us about someone you admire?
    I admire my daughter.  Her faith, strength, courage, tenacity and perseverance amaze me.