Name: Heidi Lampert
Hobbies: I have two nieces and four nephews who are all amazing kids and I love spending time with them. I enjoy watching football and hockey. I love listening to music and going out dancing with the girls. I hope to sharpen up on my photography skills and get out and take more pictures.
Cancer you battled: Breast
How long have you been a survivor: Over a year now!!!!!
Can you tell us a little about your story?
I found my lump in my right breast in November of 2017 and was diagnosed on December 20, 2017 with stage 1A Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, the most common type of breast cancer. After that everything went so fast…. It was recommended that I do genetic testing because of my age to see if I had a mutation in my BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, I did not but do have a mutation in my ATM gene which is a moderate risk for breast cancer. I had my lumpectomy on February 1st of 2018 which removed the cancer and had lymph nodes removed but all were clear, no cancer present. I started chemotherapy on March 30, 2018 which consisted of 16 total visits of dose dense chemo. The first four visits, every other week, were AC, also known as the Red Devil and the other 12 visits, once a week, would be Taxol along with Herceptin. My last chemo was on August 10th,2018 and my CT scan done on August 30, 2018 showed no signs of returning cancer. I started radiation on September 17, 2018 and completed four weeks of that which was 5 five days a week.
We all have inner superpowers (a.k.a. character qualities). What are some of yours?
I enjoy making people laugh and smile and seem to do so with ease. I also have a very caring and warm personality which I hope makes people feel good when they need a moment or a smile to brighten their day.
What brings you joy and fulfillment (your work, your passions, your dreams, etc.)? 
My LittlesI have two cats, Frankie and Daisy, and they are absolutely my world!!!! I also love photography and reading, going to the races and spending time with family and friends.
What Does It Mean To Be A Cancer Survivor (Real life warrior)?
To me it means that I was able to face one of the deadliest diseases, Cancer, stare it straight in the face, stomp on it and show it who’s boss. To be able to see that all things happen for a reason good and/or bad and that you have to live your life one day at a time and to the fullest extent possible!!!
Can you tell us about an influential person(s) who helped you during your battle or throughout your life? 
First and foremost ALL of the wonderful angels at the cancer center!!!without those people this journey would have been different. Second would have to be Mr. Herm. I never had him as a teacher at the school here but as a customer and friend we went through our battles together and used each other as inspiration.
What are some key things that helped you (mentally and physically) during the midst of your battle?
My Littles were a huge comfort. My family and friends along with all of my morning regulars and the people at the cancer center.
Knowing what you know as a cancer survivor, what words of wisdom would you give to someone else battling cancer? 
Always make sure to get your girls(breasts) checked and even get ahead of the game if you can with regular exams and check ups. Cancer doesn’t discriminate and doesn’t have to run in your family for you to get it. Thoughts, prayers and well wishes to those who are fighting, those who have fought and those we have lost to cancer…