2022 Little Warrior: Quentin Shevy

​Quentin was diagnosed at the age of 6 with medulloblastoma, grade 3 high risk with metastasis to the spine on 10/25/2018. He went through surgery, full brain and spine proton radiation at Mayo in Rochester, and 7 rounds of chemo at Children’s MN. Scans and labs showed no cancer at the end of treatment. His port was removed in Jan 2020. In April of 2020, Quentin relapsed the first time. He had surgery to remove the tumor and then got a new port and ommaya reservoir to begin a new chemo regimen. He was on that protocol for just over a year with no sign of disease, but when the drugs were weaned off, he relapsed right away in the fall of 2021. New chemo drugs were started, and we also added in some specialized radiation called stereotactic radiosurgery with the LINAC method down at Mayo in Rochester. In the midst of this second relapse treatment, Quentin’s labs took an alarming turn. His blood counts were not recovering. In February 2022 it was determined that Quentin now had a non-treatment-related form of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with inversion 16. We counseled with our team, and it was decided that hitting the leukemia hard was our best chance of beating it, so we chose a treatment protocol that used drugs that could also carry over and treat his brain cancer as well in hopes of keeping it at bay while we worked on the AML. Quentin has now finished his treatment for AML, but his brain cancer is continuing to grow and spread. As of now, there are no treatment options for his brain cancer, so we are trying previous treatments to try and prolong his life and try to kick this cancer. We are so grateful to have our little boy with us still. Despite the hard roads we have walked, each day is a gift.

Link below allows you to donate to Quentin and his family. 100% of proceeds will go to him.