Familiarity Can Keep You Stuck In Predictable Cycles. It’s The Enemy To Your Calling.

There is something about driving the same road, same car, going to the same bars, same stores and even hanging out with the same people. It’s not a bad thing… simply it’s what we are comfortable doing. We are familiar with these faces and places. But what if we got outside of our comfort zone? What if we hung out with complete strangers? What if we rode a bike to work? Went to a new bar or new store? Are some of you already getting uneasy?

I work at a local restaurant sometimes and I laugh because I don’t know what it is about Sunday’s but regardless of the sign up front that says please wait to be seated, everyone rushes in to their “normal” table and orders the same thing they had last week. When a new waitress comes to their table and doesn’t know their order, they get pissy… it’s comical, really but I don’t want to be like that. Now don’t take that the wrong way, I’m not making fun or saying it’s bad, I just think we live in a world where we get too comfortable and familiar with things.  When our cheese gets moved, it can make or break the day. I’m guilty… My Starbucks order – Grande White Chocolate mocha – non fat, no whip. (A way to my heart btw… 😂) I Tried to be healthy and order almond milk the other day… Gross. I’ll stick to what I like and know. 😜

You never change your life until you step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone. What if you dared to be different? Have you ever thought about where you see yourself in 5 years or 10 years? Have you ever looked back and thought – holy shit didn’t see that coming or didn’t picture myself here? So if change happens at the end of your comfort zone… how do you overcome the fear and take the leap? 
Haha… idk? Your asking a person who is wondering the same thing? Do I have some monumental advice? Not really, but I have some ideas…

  1. It starts with you. You have to decide what your core foundation is. Nobody defines who or what you are. You are in control of your own destiny. Decide what your values are and stick to them. 
  2. Keep your circle Small. People might be good to you… but that doesn’t mean they are good for you! This is hard because sometimes it takes a really long time and hard lessons to learn that certain people should not be a part of our lives. It’s okay to be selective. 
  3. Learn to let go and trust. I struggle with this a lot but reality is fear is an ally to faith. Believing and trusting go hand and hand. Letting go is something we can all work on. Is the guy who flicked you off on your way to work really worth getting upset and ruining your day? Why give him that satisfaction? Just some food for thought… own it and let it go. 

Change is a good thing. We should all be working and changing ourselves daily. And even if you are not working on yourself we unintentionally change throughout life. We are not the same people we were when we were 18. Embrace the change. Step outside your comfort zone. And put fear aside.
I’m gonna leave you with this powerful question because I stumbled upon it the other day and it got me thinking about change, comfort zone, fear, familiarity…If God called you out of your success to do something sacrificial… would you go?

Much love – Kayla ❤️