Judgement. Lemons. Lemonade.

I have written a version of this a time or two and thought, I can’t post this. It will offend someone. Reality is we all have done this. No one is perfect and really this blog may be a good reminder to myself. Don’t take offense, this is just me being real.

I feel like we all have a tendacy to judge. We look at someone and instantly form an opinion or write their story in our head. Right or wrong, it’s a natural instinct. We live in a world full of people who “think” they know what someone’s life is like. Reality is more times than not, they have no idea.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. You ever heard this saying? You ever lived it? We all have struggles and curveballs to overcome throughout our lifetime. Let’s be real, our parents were constantly telling us to enjoy our childhood because it only gets harder as adults. They weren’t lying. Bills, jobs, school, debt, boyfriends who turn into husbands, kids and the list goes in. Our parents only ever wanted the best for us. However no parent can prepare you for life changing curveballs that change your life but someone else is there every step of the way. Whether you believe in a higher power or some spiritual being, we can’t say that it’s always fate, faith is a huge factor.
🍋 Lemons.
If you are dealt a band hand in life, whatever it may be are you suppose to stop everything, sulk, and be miserable? Sure. That’s one approach. Another is to take a look at the doors God is trying to open for you. We may not always know the reason until years later but you have to trust.

When Kyle, my late husband was going on his fourth year of a hard cancer battle we learned to take the good with the bad. We understood better why people sometimes acted out. We didn’t know what they experienced that day. Bad days happen.

Watching a loved suffer on a daily basis was my life for a while. It was one of the hardest and most frustrating positions to be on. I felt helpless. Defeated. At times sorry for myself. It’s such an emotional rollercoaster. Not only dealing and trying to keep my emotions in check but then to keep Kyle’s in check as well. You often question if you are doing the right things. Then you add in the element of everyone else’s opinion. Let’s just say living In a small town has its advantages and disadvantages. On the days you just want to run into the grocery store and not think about what’s going on at home you run into Sally, you try to “hide” but it’s near impossible. (We’ve all been there right?) Sally wants to chat about life and how things are going. How’s he feeling? What’s the doctors say etc? Then Sally wants to give her opinion. Meanwhile I just wanted to get some butter and get back home. It’s tough. Most people are sincere, some are nosey. What I learned is no matter what people will judge. Have an opinion. And talk about you whether you are doing bad or good. I’ve learned to accept that. You can’t worry about it. It’s hard at times but there are two ways to look at it. One it’s their problem, don’t let it consume you. Two, surround yourself with positive, loving people who want to see you succeed. Sometimes you have to let go of friends, family or acquaintances. Doesn’t mean it is permanent, it’s just what is best for your life at the time.
🍋 Lemonade.
Nobody is perfect but imagine if we all loved before we judged. What if we all had warning signs on our forehead that said got in a car accident this morning, lost a loved one or kids were being shits? Would we act different?

It’s the season of giving.
Be kind.
Be present.
Spread love.

Xoxo 💋 Kayla