Meet Board Member – Cari May

Meet board member Cari May, she is a small town girl from St. Martin, MN. She loves to write, speak, read, drink wine, yoga, anything with essential oils and spending time with family and friends. She recently had a baby boy Jaxon and will be celebrating her 4th wedding anniversary this September with her husband Cory.

She has been a member of the board from the beginning, serving as the co-founder and really the person to push Kayla to get moving. Cari has helped with some of the key decisions from logos to branding to clothing design. Cari is a marketing guru who brings a wealth of knowledge to the INDY tribe. Cari really helped INDY to come life – helping build our mission and brand.

Cari and Kayla first met at their place of employment and grew their relationship through their love for Young Living. Cari helped both Kayla and Kyle to live cleaner, healthier and balanced lives during Kyle’s health journey. Some of Kyle’s final days were spent with Cari by Kayla’s side, She got to experience the wit that Kyle still had left including, “Get your butt working on INDY and don’t pawn your rings.” LOL. Cari has a huge heart and often puts others before herself, when asked to be a part of INDY she never even hesitated. Cari is a huge asset to the INDY board. Thank you Cari for all that you do, we couldn’t do it without you. Find out more about Cari below…

  1. What is your professional background?
    My professional background is and has always been Marketing. It’s what I went to school for and what I have been doing ever since.
  2. Greatest accomplishment:
    Becoming a Mom 🙂
  3. Greatest Adventure:
    I’m living my greatest adventure!
  4. One word that describes your purpose for how you live life?
  5. Life motto:
    Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
  6. What is your superpower?
    Helping others see their worth. I love helping people see their light.
  7. What is your At-Bat song (The song that gets you going or they would play if you were up to bat)?
    Oh dear — No one should let me bat. Ever. I’m a huge baseball fan. Playing the game isn’t my forte. The whole bat/ball contact thing never really worked out for me 😉
  8. Where is the best place you have traveled?
    I’ve been fortunate to travel a lot – both for work and for play. I spent three weeks in China during college which was extremely eye opening. I came back with a whole new perspective on many things in life. My other travels have been for work and/or play and have brought me Coast to Coast to most every major city in the states, as well as some time on warm beaches in Mexico and the Dominican. Every trip has filled my life with memories. Through any travel though, I honestly don’t care how cliché this sounds, it always makes me appreciate where I come from and I love coming home.
  9. One item on your bucket list:
    Girls trip to Greece! 
  10. What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
    I have a strong introvert side. Most people think of me as extremely outgoing, which I definitely am a lot of the time. However, I always need to balance that getting grounded and calm with some me time.
  11. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
    We have a family tradition (that includes both blood and chosen family) where we rent out a resort on a lake for a week in the summer. It’s the most incredible week every summer with some of the most important people in my life. It’s been a tradition for as long as I can remember.
  12. What is your favorite thing to do for yourself?
    Every month I prioritize some kind of extra self-care. It might be a massage, a pedicure, some extra shopping splurge, etc. I strongly believe in taking care of yourself first so you are your best self for helping others. It’s so important now as a mama too!
  13. If you had an unlimited checkbook for one day, what would you buy?
    Oh my gosh – so many ideas! 
  14. Tell us about someone you admire?
    My Mom. She is literally the most selfless person I have ever met. She is hands down my best friend. I am who I am today because of her.