Meet Board Member Mandy Tadych

Meet Mandy Tadych our Director of Administration. Mandy joined our tribe this summer and has been a great addition to the team. She is very driven, determined and has a passion for working out. She is a super step-mom to Caleb, her super hero who has cerebral palsy. Read more about Mandy below! 

1.Tell us about you: (Where ya from, married/single, kids, cats, dogs…maybe a fish- who knows. Just give us all the interesting things you want us to know)
I am from Foley, Live with my boyfriend Mike and his son Caleb.
2.What is your professional background?
I spent 15 years in healthcare in various positions including medical coding. Then I did a complete change and moved into banking as a residential loan processor and now as an SBA Loan Assistant at Falcon National Bank.
3.How did you connect with the INDY nation?
Through Kayla & Candi Janssen. I was asked to volunteer and enjoy being a part of it. 
4.Greatest accomplishment:
Taking charge of my life. There was a time when I let other people’s wants, needs and opinions influence the direction of my life. I didn’t’ like where I was heading so I decided to change that and it has proved to be an extremely positive and amazing life change. 
5.Greatest Adventure:
Climbing a waterfall in Jamaica. I think it was more dangerous than locals let on. It was exciting, then scary, regretful, exhilarating when it was over but I am not doing it again! 
6.One word that describes your purpose for how you live life?
7.Life motto:
Be open to people with differences
8.What is your superpower? 
It is said that being a cerebral palsy parent is a super power, so I guess that is it!
9.What is your At-Bat song (The song that gets you going or they would play if you were up to bat)? I don’t have one… too many to chose from! 

10.Where is the best place you have traveled?
I love Jamaica. Been there 4 times! 

11.One item on your bucket list: I don’t have a bucket list, I think it is morbid!
12.What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
Most people probably don’t know that I take a certain interest in houses. Especially old houses with lots of character. I love watching This Old House and enjoy watching them restore hold homes while adding in some modern additions. I would love to be on that show, not as a home owner but as a worker. Since I don’t possess any professional home restoration skills maybe I will find a project that might appeal to them yet on Ask This Old House. 
13.What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
Pontoon Rides & BBQ’s
14.What is your favorite thing to do for yourself? Relax in any way I can!
15.If you had an unlimited checkbook for one day, what would you buy?
Write one large check to deposit in savings to spend as I want over time! 
16.Tell us about someone you admire?
My Family – all of them. We are all unique individuals with special qualities but we always write weekly to spend time with each other and hang out with the one member that shines the brightest – Caleb!