The Original Warrior: Kyle Strand

“Sometimes life can be a real bastard. Feeling defeated today. For anyone who is wanting a daily dose of real life advice here it is. Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy the little things that you would otherwise take advantage of. Stop working your life away to make a living and start making a life. Take a vacation. Spoil your wife, kids, parents – or whom ever it may be. Lend a hand to someone in need. Do good for your community and love the lord for he is the only person who can decide your destiny. All I am really saying is enjoy everything and everyday like it’s your last because you never know what tomorrow brings and forget about yesterday’s problems.”  – Kyle Strand

Kyle left this message with us before he passed and it is something that he truly meant.

Meet Kyle, the legacy and inspiration behind INDY Foundation. For those of you that don’t know Kyle or have never met him he was one of a kind. Someone that left a lasting impression on everyone he met. A husband, friend, brother, son, son-in-law, outdoorsman, Dad to Maxx (yellow lab), comedian and want-to-be singer.

Kyle worked in construction most of his life. He was a true craftsman. He built houses from scratch and flipped the dirtiest of dirty houses. He loved to do finish work – trimming, building cabinets etc. And I am pretty sure he owned every DeWalt tool known to man. I often found myself asking him if he really needed another drill and he would convince me everytime… he was quite the salesman too! In the winter, he spent countless hours managing and plowing snow for various accounts across the twin cities. Living out of a truck for 2+ days sounds less than desirable but he loved it. No matter what was thrown Kyle’s way he was committed to giving it his all. 
Kyle was also passionate about hunting and fishing. He would always tell me how he wish he had more time to do it. He loved to trap as a young kid but as he got older didn’t have time to do it as much. When I first met him, he spent his winters laid off and would coyote hunt everyday… well I soon learned more like drive around in a truck, talk smart of CB radio’s and eat a whole bag of starbursts. He shot several deer, bear, coon, coyotes, pretty much a Daniel Boone! Lol

He loved his family and friends. Spending time with them was important to him. His nephews meant the world to him – he loved watching them grow and teaching them things… probably things he shouldn’t at times! He would of absolutely been the best Dad. It brings tears to my eyes to think that he never got that opportunity but then I reflect and think you know what his purpose was so much bigger. He touched so many people’s lives – they still tell me when they see me a memory of something he did or said.

Kyle’s Colon Cancer battle was long and courageous – he endured (3) colon resects, over 20 hospital stays, endless IV pokes, dialysis, stint exchanges and even a trip to Mexico for homeopathic treatments. However at the end of each day he had a smile and was grateful even when he was in complete pain. As Kyle’s cancer journey started to take a turn for the worst, as husband and wife we found ourselves having many tough conversations. Planning for the future didn’t seem right, or real. It seemed completely inappropriate to talk about but I’m glad we did. Kyle was a dreamer – in fact at times I would laugh because his dreams at times were the champagne on a beer budget type. However it was his and my dream to someday give back what was given to us. We had so many neighbors, friends, family members help us along the way. We didn’t know exactly how  or what it looked like. Kyle had mentioned that there needed to be an outlet or organization that gives back to the cancer patients. We always felt so fortunate that we were able to keep our jobs, house, marriage etc. Some people lose all of that while fighting for their lives. After spending time at CentraCare and the Mayo you quickly realize that cancer affects all races, sex and ages. It seems so unfair but unfortunately its reality. Stats say that 1 in 2 people will develop cancer in their lifetime. As Kyle’s cancer spread we knew the ending we were all hoping for wasn’t reality. While laying in the hospital we had to make some tough decisions as a young couple but Kyle’s humor never seemed to leave… He told me two things that he was serious about – 1. Don’t you dare pawn your rings because that’s my boat on your finger and 2. You better get working on INDY every day or I will haunt you. I’m not sure if that was him being a jokester or the drugs – maybe a little of both, but he was completely serious. You see Kyle knew about INDY. I remember showing him while he was at Quiet Oaks hospice house how everyone on Facebook was changing their profile picture to the INDY logo we had developed. He got his classic shit eating grin on his face – something that is forever engrained in my head. Somehow I feel that Kyle knew part of the plan. His fear wasn’t dying. His fear was that he would be forgotten, which is something I promised to never let happen. Little did I know the legacy that he was leaving behind through four simple words – I’m Not Done Yet. 

INDY Stands for I’m Not Done Yet something the original INDY warrior, my late husband Kyle Strand said to our pastor one time while in the hospital. It became a staple in our household, something Kyle would say often. Don’t worry mama bear, I’m Not Done Yet – God doesn’t want me yet. His battle was incredible, he always went into everything with a smile and can-do attitude. If I look back at the last 5 years when this cancer journey began it sometimes still feels like a dream. A dream that is being written for something much bigger than I will understand. 
In August of 2017, we filed and formulated as a non profit. The next four months we collaborated with Little Fisch Design to get an amazing website, formed a board of directors, designed apparel and created our mission statement. By December of 2017, the website was live and our mission of giving back to those in the midst of their cancer battle by providing love, faith and financial support was out there for the world to see. 
January of 2017, our first warriors were selected. We highlighted and video taped their story on our website and social media pages. Merchandise flew off the shelves in support of our mission and the warriors. To date we have helped 11 warriors and their families – donating more than $15,000.00 to use as they wish. We have processed more than 550 orders going to 20 different states around the United States. I say we, because don’t think that this is all done by me. Our board puts in huge amounts of time along with several volunteers who help monthly. And don’t think that someone upstairs doesn’t have hand in it.

Thank you all for the continued love and support!
Kayla Strand
​Founder of INDY Foundation